We are staying at the War Eagle Air Museum in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. As you might have guessed, it is another Harvest Hosts. After almost 300 miles, we made it here before it closed. We parked the coach and then enjoyed checking out the museum. Below is the website description.
“the museum features one of the Southwest’s largest collection of beautifully restored historic aircraft from the World War II to Vietnam Conflict eras, along with a large collection of vintage and historic automobiles, motorcycles, and various military and transportation artifacts through the decades.”
I enjoy stopping in at these museums scattered across the country. These are places that are preserving History!
We are parked in the Museum’s big paved gated parking lot. We are only a few miles from the Mexican Boarder. Our trip here included entering Texas then back into New Mexico.
Just 600 miles to go till we reach Glen Rose, TX.