Dry Dock at Home

We have been home just over a month. We have had a lot of catching up to do. Yard work, Doctor and Dentist appointments, some projects on the house and up keep on the motorhome. We are also trying to make this our home, and establish friendships here.

When traveling we usually attend church somewhere, but seldom do we make it to the same church twice in a row. We have gone to Stonehill, what we consider our home church, five times in a row. We are attending a short summer study and actually making friends. We stared attending around 5 years ago, when we would visit our son and his family. It is a big church and with our schedule it has been hard to connect.

When we get home I park the coach (Land Yacht) alongside our house.  I consider this dry dock, similar to where they would put a yacht when repairs are needed. It is hard to do some projects when constantly on the move, so being a list maker, I had a long list of things to do on our coach while in Dry Dock. I handed the list to my wife’s number one mechanic and he has been working on that list all month. He is retired and doing this for fun, so he might not always work 8 hours a day, but he works cheap. He does have a dead line, as we are leaving again on August 11th. I think he will have it ready to go ahead of time.

Click here for my Dry Dock Land Yacht album. 

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