Our Path

How do you choose your path? We use lots of resources when considering what roads to take. I usually plan my route using RV Life’s Trip Wizard.  Then I plug the destination into my RV Garmin, these show me a RV Safe route. I also look at Google Maps and the satellite view. When we left Superior Montana we looked at the crooked way, which was shorter. I was told it would be crooked but beautiful. It seems that crooked was emphasized. Not knowing what we were getting into, we took the crooked path and it was a beautiful trip across Hwy 12. It followed a river most of the way, except for LoLo Pass where we stopped at the Visitors center as we entered Idaho.  It was a beautiful road with very little traffic and it lead to Friends we had not seen for over 30 years. What a Blessing it was as we reconnected with our friends from long ago.  

Back to the question, How do you choose your path? This is how we choose the roads we take. In life we use lots of resources too. We pray and ask God’s direction. We ask that He will lead us where he wants us to go. 

Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths.

We read His road map, the Bible. Just like the online resources we use to plan our road trips, there are lots of online resources to lead us in our walk with God. On my phone I use You Version Bible App. This app has tons of resources, from devotions to Bible versions. On you computer check out Bible.com These are just a couple resources to help lead you down Life’s path. May God Bless you as you navigate Life’s Path Today. 

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