Along the mighty Mississippi

We have camped along the Columbia and the Mississippi a few times. There is just something about watching ships, tugs and barges wander down the river.  As I was planning our path I saw this city RV Park right along the Mighty Mississippi. Wow! That would be cool, so I call the listed phone number,   and I was greeted by “Canton Police Department can I help you? ” this took me back a little, then I asked if this is where I make a reservation for the RV park? The police dispatcher also took the RV reservations and who knows what else. Only in a small town. 

The parking is perfect for a Motorhome, we sit facing the river. We have seen some barges travel downstream. The bonus is the Dam and Lock #20 is just up river from us. The but is that there is a railroad right behind us, complete with an intersection. That means the horn blows. Can’t wait for the next train.  Check out my photo album.  

We will continue our adventure towards Shepherds College in the morning, follow along!

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