The Mount Washington Cog Railway opened in 1868. It is the second steepest railway in the world with an average grade of over 25% (which means it gains one foot in every four feet) It is about a 3 mile ride and travels at a whopping 2.8 miles per hour up the hill. It starts at 2,700 feet and goes to over 6,000 feet at the peak of Mount Washington, which is the tallest mountain in the Northeast. I am sure this would be a breathtaking ride during the Fall Colors. It was fun to check it out but we didn’t ride the train. The top of Mt Washington was hiding in clouds (which means there would be no view from the top)and it is pricey, $91.00 per person. We will just put that money in our fuel tank. It is also a Harvest Host so we will be spending the night in the parking lot here. This will put New Hampshire on our state map, tomorrow we will be heading to Bangor Maine. Here is a link to todays photos.